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Legal advice

  |  Legal advice

1. General Information

ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS, S.L.“, established in Barcelona, Paseo Colón, number 18, bj, zip code number 08002, provided with Tax Identification Number (N.I.F.) B-60.999.976 and the following email address: rgpd@grao.info and registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona, in Sheet B-138462 Volume 28678 Folio 182.

2. Object

This website is the property of ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS, S.L. It has been created and designed to publicize and allow general access of all Internet users, to the information, products and services diverse, own, offered by our company.
The purpose of this Legal Notice is to establish the General Conditions governing the access and general use of the aforementioned website by all users, so the access and use of this one necessarily implies, the submission and acceptance of the General Conditions cited included in this Legal Notice.
ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, any modification or update of the contents and services, these access and use provisions and, in general, how many elements integrate the design and configuration of its website. Therefore it is recommended that the user read carefully and attentive the general conditions each time he/she wants to enter and make use, since these may undergo some modifications.

3. Industrial and Intellectual Property

The design of the portal and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear therein belong to ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

4. Contents

The contents of the website are made available to the user by ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL as their own information or, where applicable, third parties. ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL will make reasonable means available to you so that the contents included in its website are accurate and up to date.

5. Access to the website

The user can access the website free of charge, unless it relates to the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) contracted on his own.

For its part, ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL informs that it is not responsible for the provision of services and supplies of third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks, reliability, quality, continuity and operation does not correspond to it, and so access can be suspended, cancelled or inaccessible for technical reasons and especially in case of force majeure.
In addition, ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL reserves the right to interrupt in case it deems necessary access to its website at any time and without prior notice, whether for security, control, maintenance, power failure or any other reason. If the interruption is final, such a circumstance will be communicated to users, who may suffer the loss, if any, of the information stored in the different services.

Consequently, in no case ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL is responsible for the consequences of any interruptions, since it cannot guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of its website.

On the other hand, access to certain services is exclusive for our customers, for which the prior registration and acceptance, before the start of the provision, of the particular conditions, those that will replace, complete and / or modify those established in this Legal Notice are requirements.

6. Use of the website

The use of the website by any person attributes the status of User, who must possess the legal capacity to contract and representation necessary to contract, which accepts that the use is under his sole responsibility.

The user undertakes not to use the information, activities, products or services that ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL makes available to them to carry out activities contrary to laws, morality or public order and, in general, to make use in accordance with these General Conditions.

In particular, it is forbidden to use the website for purposes harmful to the assets of ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL that in any other way overload, damage or useless the networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software) of ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL or third parties, if applicable.

The user can download the contents he wants from the website and, when necessary, ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL will inform you if necessary about the technical specifications necessary to proceed with the download of information and contents of its website.

The user will refrain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, the Contents by means or procedures other than those that in each case have been made available to him or her or have indicated for this purpose or those that are commonly used on the Internet. In this sense, the user is requested to pay attention to these warning messages, since ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL is not responsible for the damages that the user’s computer equipment may suffer because the user has misused or negligently used the website.

7. Advertising

Advertising or sponsored content is hosted on the website. Advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with the regulations that may apply in each case. ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL will not be responsible for any errors, inaccuracies or irregularities that may contain advertising content or sponsors.

8. Responsibility

ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL is not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites from which the portal can be accessed. ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL is also not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites, which may be linked or linked from this portal.

ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep your information up to date, adding, modifying, correcting or removing the published content or the design of the portal.

ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL will not be responsible for the use by third parties of the information published on the portal, nor for damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, cause or may cause economic damage, material or data, caused by the use of such information.

9. Quality of service

Access to the Portal does not imply an obligation on the part of ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. It is up to the User, in any case, the availability of appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful software.
ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL is not responsible for damage to the computer equipment of Users or third parties during the provision of the Portal service.

10. Protection of personal data

ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL guarantees full compliance with the obligations laid down, as well as the implementation of the regulations regarding data protection, i.e. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the new Organic Law 3/2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter LOPD). ROSA CERVETO-MARTA MAS SL makes available to users the Privacy Policy of the company with detailed information for Users.

11. Cookies

In relation to cookies you can consult our cookie policy.

12. Legislation

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this portal, will be the Spanish law.